Sunday, July 7, 2013

Zendala Dare 64

Hello All :) It has been quite a while since I last posted. Life has been a bit hectic lately (but only in good ways). I just started my new job so I'm getting use to a new schedule and it's off season for my boyfriend's work so he gets to work at the office here in town (yay!) instead of traveling all over the U.S. (and sometimes Mexico). We finally got our apartment all in order. Our office has been a box haven since we moved in but we successfully put our desks together and got rid of the rest of the boxes. We had an incredibly lazy 4th of July since it was raining here in Atlanta but I hope everyone else got to see some fireworks!

I'm so excited that I had time to do Erin's Zendala Dare this week. I swear her challenge is my absolute favorite one to do even though it doesn't seem like it when you look at my post history. For me, zendalas take more time to complete so I'm more likely to be able to squeeze a Diva Challenge in. I have a sketchbook I use just for zentangling and I often have many pages of half done pieces, so with the DC it's easy for me to finish off a piece I've already been working on with whatever the particular challenge is that week. With zendalas I have to start and finish one whole piece which is a bit of a challenge for me.

Our challenge was to fill the zendala with tangles that begin with either H, E, A, T or H, O, T. I decided on HOT so my tangles include: onomato, henna drum, twisted rope, ojo, and tagh. When I first saw the template I knew I would unintentionally make it very dense if I let myself so I tried to make it as light and airy as possible. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

DC120 & Pin of the Week

Bales is one of my favorite tangles. It's incredibly intuitive and I barely have to think while constructing it. Perhaps the best quality of bales is how versatile it is. You can come up with endless ways to fill the space. Bales is almost a string within a string. At least, that's how I chose to utilize bales this week with Laura's challenge. Below is my simplistic design for this week:

Today is a special day for my blog. I'm sure you're wondering why and it's because I'm finally introducing a new addition to my posts. Lately, I've mainly focused on my challenge entries with an occasional post for my One A Day Zentangle Journey (which reminds me I'm incredibly behind in updating that). I have plans for other topics and weekly updates but I've been so busy with my unstable retail hours and last minute interviews I haven't actually gotten around to rolling anything out. Well today is the official reveal of my new Pin of the Week segment! I have what some may consider an unhealthy obsession with Pinterest. I usually stop by at least once a day but I thankfully resist the urge to pin every slightly cool thing I see. I only pin the things I find really useful, interesting or inspiring. Or recipes that I would actually make. Not the ones that have a million ingredients, weird equipment, and require more time than I have to give. 

Anyway, my favorite pin this week was from I got a Keurig as a birthday present a few years ago and I've noticed lately my cups have become increasingly smaller. I thought it was just a bug with my model since my family got it on clearance. It had been returned and repackaged or something I believe. I was wrong though! Apparently, you're suppose to clean your Keurig occasionally. And now that I stop to think about it, it does make sense. I don't know why it never occurred to me that the insides would probably need to be cleaned occasionally. If you have a Keurig, just follow the picture below and you'll get step by step instructions on how to clean it and then you too can feel like an idiot as it's super easy

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Diva Challenge 119: Ebony and Ivory

I am about to find myself back in the realm of full time employment! I'm basically waiting for my background check and drug test to go through and as long as those come back good (which they should!) then I will be getting an official offer!

I'm very excited about the new job, especially after my terrible week with retail customers. I had a customer yesterday that easily ranked within the top 3 worst customers I've ever dealt with. I have never had someone talk to me with such disdain and contempt over something so trivial. And I use to work for a background screening company where I talked to convicted criminals on a daily basis. None of them ever talked to me the way this rich, entitled bitch did. Sorry for my language but I'm still upset by the situation and I spent the better part of my day yesterday crying off and on. I usually have a fairly thick skin with customers but this lady somehow wormed her way around my barriers. Thankfully, drawing is always therapeutic for me. Below is both my challenge entry for Laura this week and the results of my at home therapy session with myself.

Instead of mirroring patterns I tried to keep the black/white ratio even as a whole piece. I saw a lot of entries using the mirroring technique though and they look really cool. I'm going to try that on my next piece. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Zendala Dare: 58

I'm so happy I had time to do Erin's Dare this week! Mandalas normally take me a long time to finish so it's rare that I have the time to finish one but I love seeing what she has in store for us each week. Her creations are always beautiful and inspiring. Below is my entry for this week:

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Adventures in Monotangles: HI-CS

I think I barely made the deadline for Ray's challenge this week. HI-CI is a really cool tangle that I'm sure will be creeping it's way into many drawings. For some reason the picture of my color version doesn't look nearly as good as it does it person. I'm going to blame my camera phone.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Diva Challenge 118: Kuke

Hello again :) I hope everyone is having an amazing week. My interview went *very* well this past week. I did have to take two assessments while I was there. The first one was the Wonderlic test and I found it to be relatively easy. I don't remember the name of the second but it was really hard and I'm not sure how I did :( It was LSAT style questions and those are always hit or miss with me. The problem is that I over analyze the question and I let it stress me out. But it is what it is and I can't go back and retake it so hopefully I scored well enough that I'll still be able to go to the next interview step.

This week Laura had us try Kathy Abbot's tangle Kuke. This tangle is really fun to me and it makes me think of spring so I wanted to do a colorful tile. Below is my quick drawing I did this afternoon:

Yes, that is Indyrella which I made a point of saying I didn't like a few weeks ago.
I revoke that statement. It has slowly grown on me. I think the problem before
was trying to make it a monotangle. To me it really needs other tangles to work.

My normal style is black and white and I was curious what this would have looked like without color so I decided to play around a little with a photo editor:

Pretty neat. I can't decide which one I like better. I am definitely going to try Kuke again at some point this week and I'll be posting whatever I come up with and I can't wait to see all the other creations this week!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Challenge Catch Up: Diva 115, 117 & Monotangle 9

Hello All :) I have been rather busy lately and I'm obviously a bit behind on challenges. My potential job opportunity I mentioned previously didn't pan out :( BUT there is another one in the works. If this job doesn't come through for me I officially give up on the full time job front and I will instead focus on getting into grad school. I really want to do speech language pathology if I go that route. I was thinking of potentially becoming a speech teacher but I also really love sign language so I think it would be cool if I could find an area where I can work with deaf people on a daily basis. My ASL has gotten a little rusty but I pick it up extremely fast. Just need to find a local group to join. I'll add that to my never ending to-do list. On to the challenges:

I missed the deadline for the Diva challenge 115 but I've been wanting to do a landscape tangle for a while and Earth Day seemed like the perfect time to do it.

This was the first time I tried betweed and it gave me a few difficulties but I think I'll pick it up quickly. This one is going into my file to add color to later. I think it would make the layers stand out even more. I might try another landscape this week too. I really want to add more layers.

This week the Diva challenged us to use the new tangle Schway. Upon first look, I will admit, I was not a fan. I don't like arrows. I feel like I said the same thing a few weeks ago about stars. I also don't like hearts too much. Do I even like shapes?! Anyway, I was actually quite pleased with my results.

Ray over at Mindful Creations had us use 'NZeppel this week which has become a new personal favorite of mine. It even sneaked it's way into my Diva piece above. I had so much fun playing with it I have two entries for it this week but one of them in currently MIA. So instead I have the same piece twice!
It reminds me of stained glass so I decided to add color...
My phone takes terrible pictures. The digital camera is currently playing
hide and seek.

I am mentally exhausted today so I will try to switch out the photos for higher quality ones and add links to the tangles/bloggers tomorrow. Can't wait to see all the other entries!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Adventures in Monotangles: Challenge 6

I really need to invest in a scanner. I used a
real camera instead of my phone's camera
this time and now I have a flash glare.
This week Roy had us use auraknot for our monotangle. I have to admit, I'm not very good at auraknot. I still don't think I really did it correctly.

For some unknown reason, I really hate stars. Not real stars. Real stars are wonderful. But stars as drawings make me cringe. I continually want to look away so I decided to make my auraknot more flower like which of course meant I had to cheat and add some other shapes.

Click here to see the other entries this week.

Onto a different topic, if you guys don't follow Erin at The Bright Owl you have to check her out. She does Zendala challenges and the one she created this week is absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to jump into it. Mandalas are a nice twist to a normal zentangles. I really love them but they're also a little more time consuming for me so I don't get to do them as much as I would like.

As always, don't forget to leave a comment below (feedback always feels wonderful and I normally make it a point to check out your blog and leave a comment back), follow me on pinterest (I have a whole board dedicated to zentangles as well as an awesome art inspiration board), and/or check out my etsy shop (which is a little empty right now but I'm working on getting some more stuff up later this week).